Our good for the planet & people


Thanks to wonderful shops supporting our cause, we have been fortunate enough to do a lot of nice things to the planet and people.

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200,000 Trees Planted

Offsetting 600,000 kgs of CO2 per year and produces enough oxygen to support 35,000 human beings




No animals killed, harmed or used

Animals are friends and have equal rights to thrive. So we will never ever use animal flesh or other parts in our products.


reducing Plastic Pollution

Offsetting 200,000+ single use items

We predict we have offset over 100,000 pieces of single use plastics from entering our environment thanks to the introduction of our reusable products such as the reusable collapsible straws.


Supporting artisans

Paying superb wages to our makers

We ensure that people who do make our products are paid way above minimum wage. For example, the artisans in Ningbo gets paid double the regional minimum wage. Which comes to £4 / hour.


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Minimising packaging & waste

We have been able to use 100% non-bleached cardboard for all of our packaging. We have reduce packaging footprint by reducing the size, the amount of packaging and by going 100% plastic-free and silicone-free.



If 2 students started this, anyone can

We have created amazing DIY videos to help people reduce their waste. As well as giving public talks such as at Vegan Camp Out and schools to help people reduce their impact on the planet. Furthermore, outside of work we try to help people who are doing amazing things for the environment by advising and helping business such as Domno Vintage - to accelerate the transition to sustainable mindful production and consumption of goods.