We are rolling out wholesale retail packs 📦

Hello! Some interesting news coming your way.

You may have already seen that we have rolled out a pack of 12 retail packs for our biodegradable sponges. We are now going to do the same across our product range. Every product that has cases will have a very clear description highlighting the pack size.

Why roll out multi-pack retail packs?

  • Protects the product and packaging

  • Easier to ship and for you to handle the products

  • Reduces the risk of miscounting

How is this move Zero Waste? It seems wasteful

The kraft paper boxes will be made out 100% post-consumer recycled paper. So we are actually using waste to create these boxes. Furthermore, we believe that the number of damaged packaging and products will be reduced significantly.

And of course, we strongly encourage you to reuse these boxes. These boxes will also be 100% recyclable after use.

If you have any questions, please send an email to support@z-w-c.com